Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Junos service Provider Switching

Junos service Provider Switching

This one relies on the MX router which can do layer 2.
The MX routers are hard to come by for labs and expensive.

LAN is an office
MAN is the city
WAN is the internet
there is no real differentiation it is mainly LAN and WAN today but some people still term MAN.

You gain access through a local loop
the local loop is the link from the office to the Service provider.
In my case Cable.

They mention how Ethernet is now king and Frame Relay and ATM are dying out.
I guess I wasted years working on frame relay :).

You want the MAN/WAN
to be scalable
provide SLAs for different billing
and provide OAM   operation administration and maintenance.

an example of OAM is to see if the link physically is alive.

Organizations that control ethernet are.
Metro Ethernet Forum

MEF 21 talks about OAM for links.
MX,M and T series support this.

MEF 14  is metrics on performance

MEF9  is the delivery and VLAN preservation.

UNI type 1  is manually MEF 13 configurable
UNI type 2  supports OAM
UNI type 3   dynamically sets up the Virtual circuit  EVC

E-NNI is the External  Network to Network interface between one ISP and another.
I-NNI  is an internal inerface between the ISPs devices.

EVC  virtual Circuit connects two client sites.
Similar to IPSEC in the internet.
Except this one is set up by the provider.
Point to Point      
Point to Multipoint                       hub and spoke
Multipoint to multipoint.

Point to Point EVC
the first type is   ETHERNET private line.   That means you get your own port from
one site to another.

An Ethernet private line means you actually get your own port.
A virtual private line means many clients share the same port.

E-Line = point to point

Ethernet private LAN  (port based)
Virtual private LAN  (Vlan based)

In general the ISP provides you with a broadcast network so all points can reach all points.
Using a broadcast.

Again the difference in the E-LAN
is if you are sharing or not.

Rooted Multipoint EVC
is a hub and spoke.
All units will talk to the ROOT
The LEAF can only talk to the ROOT

E-TREE because you have a Root and leaves.

again port based
or vlan based

They simplified the Layers here.
You have

802.3 was the physical layer and datalink

802.1D/802.1Q is for VLANS

802.1ag  is for fault management.

ITU uses
G series
Y series for OAM

MX series
MX80  = 80 gbps
MX240 =240 Gbps
MX480 = 480 Gbps
MX960 = 960 Gbps

MX5-MX80 can be upgraded using a license.
MX5 =20Gbps
MX10 = 40Gbps
MX20= 60Gbps
each MX number increase opens up either a MIC slot  or 2 ports of 10GigE.

the physical broadcast domain can be divided by 802.1D  bridging.
Each bridge will have its own forwarding domain.
MACs are learned by the bridge using.
Flooding when you don't know where to go yet because it is not in the forwarding table
Filtering    limits the traffic to the interfaces it chooses
Aging      after X seconds it will remove it from the table.
global-mac-table-aging  sets the timer on aging

Source MAC is the way it learns.
When it gets a packet it writes down where it came from (interface) and the MAC that sent it.
GE-0/0/1      0140.5505.2222

Once the above is on the table it will forward to it when needed.

If the destination is from the same port it came from then it drops it.
Because it assumes somebody else will send it.

Flooding is when you don't know where to go.
So you flood to all the interfaces except the one you got it from.

>show bridge mac-table
will show you the MACs
if they are static it will have an S   you can manually add mac to the table ie STATIC

Each Bridging domain will have its own MAC table.

>clear bridge mac-table
drops all the dynamic addresses in the table and will flood again until it learns the MACs.

Switch ports operate either as access or trunk
Access connects to the VLAN

Trunk usually connects to another switch or the customer.
A trunk will have many VLANs.
native-vlan-id   will take untagged traffic and trunk it to the other side which will reomve the native-vlan-id and send it untagged.
A TAG is 16 bits              802.1Q
Priority   802.1p  is 3 bits
format  is 1 bit    by default 0
Unique Vlan is 12 bits.

#set bridge-domains   vlan_name_100  vlan-id 100
the vlan number is 100       the name is arbitrary

The above just created the Vlans as you can see they are not attached yet to the any interface.

You set the VLAN on an interface.
set interface ge-0/0/1.0 family bridge      interface-mode access
set interface ge-0/0/1.0 family bridge      vlan-id 100

So in theory now server 1 can ping server 2 as they are on the same VLAN of 100

To configure a trunk
set interface xe-0/0/0   native-vlan-id 100
set interface xe-0/0/0   vlan-tagging
set interface xe-0/0/0   unit   0     family bridge     interface-mode trunk
set interface xe-0/0/0   unit   0     family bridge     vlan-id-list [100 200]

So let's say we have a packet in the CPU. The device looks at the VLAN and based on the VLAN + Mac table it will send it out of the correct interfaces.   For example if we have a Vlan_100 tagged packet.
The device will send it out of GE-0/0/1 and Ge-0/0/0 as the packet is leaving the MX it will be stripped of the VLAN marking because this is an ACCESS port.

In the case of a TRUNK port which connects two switches, we want to keep that TAG of the VLAN.
So for example.
SRV01 will send a packet to SRV03.
The MX because it says that inteface ge-0/0/0 is Vlan_100 will use that TAG to decide where to flood it.
When the packet is flooded out a TRUNK.
The command    vlan-tagging. Tells the router to ADD the TAG to the outgoing packet.

The second MX will receive the packet with the TAG vlan_100.
It will then send it to the interfaces that are Vlan_100.
So as the packet leaves for SRV03 the TAG is again stripped.
SRV01 and SRV03 are unaware of any vlan tags.

The vlan-id-list is optional
in this case it limits the trunk to the two vlans  vlan_100 + vlan_200.

The last one is the mode trunk which tells the device this is a trunk interface and therefore
add the VLAN tag to outgoing packets.

If you have to make a list of VLANs for sepcific customers you can set up a list.
 set bridge-domains     sales    vlan-id-list   [10-12 20-22]

this adds a prefix to the Vlan  so it will look like  sales-vlan-xxxxxx    #xx being the number of the vlan

>show bridge-domain
will show you the VLANs and their IDs along with the interfaces that can run them

>show bridge domain  vlan_100 detail
will show you the MAC count of each VLAN

>show interfaces xe-0/0/0.0
will show you the link is up and if it has   trunk-mode

If two VLANs have the same interface under them
that means that interface is trunking from VLAN to VLAN.
(not routing, just trunking)

>show bridge statistics
will show you number of MACs again.

Trunks forward broadcast.
So if you have Switches that do not have a specific VLAN
you can remove that VLAN from the trunk.

So you can for example.
Manually remove VLAN 10 from the trunk.
set interface xe-0/0/0   unit   0     family bridge     vlan-id-list [100 200  10]
can be changed to
set interface xe-0/0/0   unit   0     family bridge     vlan-id-list [100 200 ]
now the switch with red won't get VLAN 10 broadcasts.

MVRP can dynamically do this for you
instead of you manually having to do this.
802.1ak   like ak47 because it shoots down unwanted broadcast.

Cisco has VTP and VTP version 2.
GVRP is now EOL end of life.
MVRP is the new version.

Cisco also support MVRP on some devices. Most IT guys know VTP courtesy of Cisco.

MVRP will send PDUs
The PDU will have an MRP message telling you which VLANS I have interfaces in.
MVRP has timers you can set.
mvrp {
join-timer milliseconds;          #this will be how long to wait before broadcasting the vlans you have
leave-timer milliseconds;          # this will be how long to wait before removing the vlan
                                                  if you get another vlan message then the vlan stays (keeaplive)
leaveall-timer milliseconds;        I guess means leave all
MVRP timers (ms) Interface Join Leave LeaveAll ge-11/2/8 200 800 10000 ge-11/0/9 200 800 10000 ge-11/3/0 200 800 10000

So the join will be a keep alive.  If I don't get it I drop the vlan after 800 ms

set protocols mvrp  no-dynamic-vlan      this means that VTP or creation of VLANs on other switches
will not be done.
MVRP can copy vlan creation from one switch to another. Here we disabled this.
set protocols mvrp   interface  ge-0/0/4
this will turn on MVRP on the trunk interface  ge-0/0/4
You can also set different timers per interface

>show mvrp
will show the status
will show if the dynamic-vlan creation is enabled

>show mvrp dynamic-vlan-membership
will show which ones were created dynamically   assuming the dynamic-vlan is not set to no-dynamic-vlan

>show mvrp statistics
see stats on data movement.

an IRB   integrated routing and bridging.
This means a L3 interface for the VLAN   so the VLAN can get out and cross the wall
to reach another VLAN or IP.
This is the same as the Cisco SVI    switches virtual interface.
This will be your gateway for the L2 hosts.

set interface ge-0/0/0.0 family bridge interface-mode access
set interface ge-0/0/0.0 family bridge vlan-id 300

ok the above is an access port .

set interface IRB   unit 100  family inet address

the above is an interface  IRB we give it a random unit   and an IP.
We will now place this interface as the interface for the VLAN-id 300

set bridge-domains   vlan_300  vlan-id 300
set bridge-domains   vlan_300  routing-interface irb.300

to keep it nice and tidy try naming the irb unit with the same number as the vlan
in this case 300.  (optional)

>show interfaces terse  irb*
will show you the interface is up and the IP.

>show route 
will show you the route to that pool         [direct] via irb.100         [local]  via irb.100

Learning the MACs can be changed.
Per the device.
Per virtual switch   which is a device in a device
Per the VLAN or Bridge-Domain
Per the interface.

timeout for aging is 300 seconds
MAC limit to learn
393215 per device
5120 per virtual switch
5120 per Vlan Bridge-domain
1024 per interface.
Up to a million MACs in Juniper MX.

You can also turn off mac learning.

Device   set protocols l2-learning
per switch (virtual)      set switch-options
per vlan/bridge-domain    set bridge-domain  Vlan_100  bridge-options
per interface      set bridge-domain  Vlan_100               bridge-options   interface  ge-0/0/0.0

You can change the MAC learning number
then if the table is full you can drop new items till the table empties.
set bridge domain vlan_100_bd  bridge-options  mac-table-size   4000
set bridge domain vlan_100_bd  bridge-options  mac-table-size   packet-action   drop

>show l2-learning   global-information
will give you the details of what you have set up

>show l2-learning    interface
will give you the details on an interface.

You might want to filter the port for whatever reason.
set firewall family bridge     filter   filter_name    term  term_001 from    conditions
set firewall family bridge     filter   filter_name    term  term_001   then  accept/discard
set firewall family bridge     filter   filter_name    term  term_001   then    police/count

the last one is optional.
There is also an implicit    discard at the end of the terms.
So if there was no match  then they get dropped.

Apply to an interface
or to the whole bridge-domain/vlan

#set interface ge-0/0/0.0 family bridge    filter    input    example_filter

#set bridge-domain   vlan_300   forwarding-options    filter  input    example_filter

Term Evaluation.
Single term  - if there is a match it does the action  .  If not it hits the discard implicit
Multiple terms -  if it matches a term it takes the action  If not discard.

You can create a list of many filters    . Up to 16.
then apply the   filter-list

Virtual Switches.
Useful for splitting things.
One guy gets one and the other another. Then they don't see each others traffic.

virtual-router   has a separate forwarding and a separate routing table.
default one is called default.

virtual-switch    has a separate forwarding table MAC table VLAN ID space and spanning-tree domains
default-switch is the default one

default is inet.0          Layer 3
default-switch                 layer 2

show route   will show you inet.0  and the Layer 3 and IRB interfaces.
show route forwarding-table  will show you the PFE forwarding tables.  L2

#set routing-instances    VR1     instance-type    virtual-router
for example on the router you can set up a NEW OSPF area 0

>show route table vr1.inet.0

Virtual Switch.
#set routing-instances  Vswitch      instance-type  virtual-switch  
#set routing-instances  Vswitch      bridge-domains vlan_100

notice how I have two VLAN 100 setup  however each one is on a different Virtual Switch.

In order to configure interfaces and VLANs under it. specify the routing-instance always
#set routing-instances  Vswitch        interface ge-0/0/0.0
#set routing-instances  Vswitch       bridge-domains vlan_500   vlan-id 500
#set routing-instances  Vswitch       bridge-domains vlan_500 routing-interface irb.500

this will set up the Vlan under the correct Vswitch.
If you fail to mention the routing-instance  the router assumes you want to add it
to default-switch.

show bridge-domain
will show you the "routing-instance' name the bridge-domains are under.

the IRB.500 we set up will show under the inet.0

to connect a Virtual Switch to a Virtual Switch  you must use an external cable between ports
this is because the Spanning tree does not work as they both have the same MAC.

For connecting two routing-instances use a tunnel or a cable.
LT is a logical tunnel.
set chassis fpc1  pic0  tunnel-services  bandwidth 1g
this turns on all tunneling and will create some
GR  IP etc interface
We want the LT   logical tunnel.

Provider bridging.
Vlans allow for 4096          12bits is the maximum.
Clients might have the SAME number Vlan .
So the ISP needs to provide for this scenario.

QinQ tunneling.
Allows you to have   4096   * 4096  options of routing items.


The TPID will mark it as a S-VLAN

This is as best as I got it.
The book is terrible.

So my VLAN 100  C-VLAN   goes on   a Provider Edge Bridge.
The PEB  Pushes a  S-VLAN
The S-VLAN is used to reach   my other site through many     Provider bridges.
Then the PEB at site 2 pops out the S-VLAN   and we are left with the C-Vlan  which comes
out my customer edge port

Push    add an outer tag  like the S-VLAN
pop     remove the outer tag     then we are left with the C-VLAN
swap     swap the outer with another S-VLAN
pop-pop   remove both     so the packet wopuld be untagged
push-push  add both
you get the idea. Pushing and Popping.

So in QinQ the Mac table will get another field.

In this case push 200  will add the S-VLAN 200 to the packet.

During the travels
 No action is needed

At the destination PEB

The action will be  Pop the 200   so now we are back to the C-Vlan of 100

That way the simplistic view.
The configuration of a normal trunk is.

See how they differ,
The new way looks more intuitive and less typing.

So S-Vlan
Is for Shared Vlans
all of the VLANs will go with one OUTSIDE tag  the 200


If you have an NNI  network to Network Interface.
meaning one MAN/ISP  needs to traverse another MAN/ISP002
you can use the vlan-rewrite .
For example the other company treats you as a customer.
So vlan-rewrite   translate 200  300  
so translate   200  to  300
At the end of the route   the PEB before you reach the customer they will pop out the 300 and we
are back to the C-VLAN of 100 which is the client.

>show interface ge-0/0/0.4
will show you the encapsulation   and the Tag Actions.
So on the interface towards the C-VLAN    it should say
Flags        VLAN-tag    [100]   IN  (push 200)

When it leaves towards the PB provider bridge it should say on that interface.
flags    vlan-tag      {200       100]

Okay the last part is a bit foggy.
The book has many typos.
Just remember with 4096 unique Vlans there is a limitation here.
So if you need more you have VPLS.

STP 802.1D
Bridge ID    =  MAC +  a Priority.
Root   =   the device with the lowest Priority
Root port =  the port that leads to the Root
Desginated ports  =  the ports from the root to the Devices.
Desginated ports  =  the port from a device to the next one.
Root Path Cost    =  the cost to get to the root bridge.
Port cost = configurable   20000=GigE

On any device the port with the lowest     Port Cost + Root path cost   becomes the ROOT port.

BPDU will send the configuration.
TCN will notify there is a change it will go all the way to the Root and then the root
It does this by sending a TCN every 2 seconds.
will send back BPDUs once the device that sent TCN gets a BPDU it stops sending TCN

Port States
learning             MACs
forward                  DATA

If the ROOT ID  and the Bridge ID   in a bpdu match  then you are the Root switch.
Port priority is 128
Hello is the time between BPDUIs

provides faster convergence by marking ports as.
Edge ports- they are always in forwarding and do not change.

RSTP BPDU is sent every 2 seconds
3 failures and then it will consider it a failure.

Switches do not flush MACs from edge ports.
Only non-edge port changes create a TCN.
So more stable.

RSTP that gets an STP will use STP on that link
STP   that gets RSTP  drops them.

MSTP supports  64 spanning tree instances

VSTP supports up to 4094 Per Vlan Spanning Tree


#set protocols rstp
#set protocols rstp bridge-priority 32k
#set protocols rstp max-age 20
#set protocols rstp hello-time 2
#set protocols rstp forward-delay 15
#set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/0
#set protocols rstp force-version   STP
the last one made this STP   yes it is a stupid way of CLI-ing

#set protocols rstp
#set protocols rstp bridge-priority 32k
#set protocols rstp max-age 20
#set protocols rstp hello-time 2
#set protocols rstp forward-delay 15
#set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/1
#set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/1       priority 128    (default)
#set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/1         mode point-to-point        default for full duplex.

#set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/1     mode shared     # for half-duplex

#set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/5     edge    #  access.
Now why they could make it go    mode edge and keep it consistent I don't know.

>show spanning-tree bridge

>show spanning-tree interface

>show spanning-tree statistics  interface

MSTP allows you to configure regions.
So you can split the data traffic flow. This enables you to have the forwarding port   block        
                         and in the next msti                                          the blocking port will forward.
This way you can use both ports.
Since you are paying for all the uplinks  this   load balances the spanning tree traffic.

The above is configuration-name   region 1
revision level 1
You can have more Regions  and each Region can have up to 16 MSTIs  which are the colors.

show spanning-tree
show spanning-tree mstp configuration

MSTI 0 is also called the CST  and is for compatibility with STP/RSTP.
This is how to use the CST to talk to STP/RSTP/VSTP

allows you to configure a Spanning-tree for each VLAN you have.
Which if you have many Vlans becomes a pain in the ass and a drag on your CPU.

Port Priority default 128
Bridge Priority default  32
hell-time 2
forward-delay 15
max-age   20
point-to-point     full duplex
mode shared   ahalf-duplex
cost   20000  default for 1 Gbps.

If you get a BPDU on an interface that is not supposed to have a switch.
You can tell the switch to disable the port
set protocols rstp bpdu-block-on-edge
this means that every port that is an edge port and gets a bpdu  will block the port.

if you have a non-rstp switch .  ie an STP one.
set protocols    layer2-control   bpdu-block   interface ge-0/0/3  ge-0/3/4
this will set the same thing on those ports.
So when a bpdu comes the port will get blocked.

>clear error bpdu  interface 
will release the port.

Loop protection or Root protection.
Loop protection means the port is waiting for BPDUs if non arrive, even if they are crappy ones
then the port goes to inconsistent.

Root protection. If I know that on interface  so and so   the switches there should not become
a root, because they are low level switches or I set up a topology so the root is at the core.
I can set up the interface to never allow a BPDU coming from that interface to advertise
the switches as Root switches.
set protocols rstp interface ge-0/0/0   no-root-port
so now even if a switch on that interface says his   priority is better  I don't care and I block the port

The port will switch back to normal once I no longer get those BPDUs

Operations administration management
OAM should measure the following on a physical link.
Availability                              up or down
Frame Delay                          time to reach it in ms
Frame Delay Variation            jitter
Frame loss                             dropping of packets

So F for Forward
B for Backward.

LoopBack - You start looping from the closest device to the next one
Once a loop fails you have reached the faulty item.

Linktrace is traceroute but for links.

Link Failure management
LFM client  must be on the switch."
If the client is active, the client will look for a another client to bond with.
Only an Active client can send a LOOPback.
Loopback  (intrusive)
Dying gasp before power down.
Critical event can be configured then the link will send a Critical alarm.
Link fault - is a simple signal loss
one OAM PDU every second.
It will be empty if you have nothing to say.

Possible actions.
Syslog the fact
Link down
Begin sending OAM PDU  with the critical bit set.

Maintenance points
CFM message will   linktrace

sub 50ms
RPL is a protocol for rings.

Basically once the ring is fine.
One port on A will be blocked.
It will send a keep alive on A to B to C to D to A

When there is a failure somewhere it won't get the keepalive
It will detect it as a failure.
Then it will re-enable the port so traffic can keep flowing from one device to the other.
The only difference is that now B has to go to A to D to C
where as before it went B to C

The failure take 50ms to detect.
The keepalive is called   Ring Automatic Protection Switching message.

A single VLAN will be dedicated for the R-APS message to travel along.
The RPL message says
no request
do not flush
RPL is blocked   to signify all is fine.

In reality the process is more complicated but  the explanations suck.
So use the above.

A#set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    ring-protection-link-owner
will signify that A is the RPL master.

On the interface that you want blocked, ie  A to D on  A
A#set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    east-interface     ring-protection-link-end
this will tell the device that the East-interface is the one blocking.
now just add an interface.
A# set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    east-interface control-channel ge-0/0/1.0
A# set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    east-interface   control-channel vlan 100

A#set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    east-interface ring-protection-link-end

on the other one the west which is not blocking simply don't add the ring-protection-link-end

A# set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    west-interface   control-channel ge-0/0/5.0
A# set protection-group ethernet-ring     ring_name    west-interface   control-channel vlan 100

in all the other devices just configure them as east and west. Again without the ring-protection-link-end
also without the   ring-protection-link-owner

>show protection-group   ethernet-ring     aps
>show protection-group   ethernet-ring     aps detail

>show protection-group   ethernet-ring     interface ge-0/0/1.0
the output will tell you if it is forwarding or discarding.

>show protection-group   ethernet-ring     statistics

E voila.
You still have to BLock one iterface so it is costly however
you get sub 50ms conversion times. Which are great for a ring.

If you want to still have a quick path from A to D
you can set up another Ring    similar to FDDI if you remember that piece of antique.

Link Aggregation.
Your client is cheap and does not want to buy a 10 GigE switch.
So instead you can tell him for now to link aggregate several 1GigE
So he can build a 8* 1 GigE   8000 Mbps link.

The members of a link are called member interfaces.
If one fails, the other ones can still send data.

Member link speed  and duplex must match
8 members is the maximum

an aggregated bundle is called an AE   AE0  AE1 etc

Routing Engine traffic will use the lowest link
so GE-0/0/0    instead of   GE-0/0/4

the load balancing algorithm uses L2 L3 or L4 data.
the load balancing for non-ip traffic uses L2  MAC SA and DA  source and destination.

You can set up LACP
link aggregation control protocol.
This will monitor the links in the bundle.
One side must be ACTIVE lacp    the other can be passive/active.

#set chassis aggregated-devices  ethernet   device-count   1
this sets up one AE

#set interface ge-0/0/3 gigether-options  802.3ad   ae0
#set interface ge-0/0/4 gigether-options  802.3ad   ae0
this adds both interfaces to the ae0

Now you can configure the ae0   like a normal interface.
#set ae0  unit 0 family  bridge 
#set ae0  aggregated-ether-options   lacp  active      # this is optional if you want to turn on lacp

You can use the LAG also to make Layer 3 interfaces, in this case it was layer 2.

>show interfaces terse   |   match ae0
will show you the status of the interfaces    up up

Multi Chassis Lag.

MX supports this.

Configuring a Multichassis LAG Between
Switch A and Switch B
I didn't bother doing the LAG AE0
So the summary version is 

This is what the configuration looks like
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 1
set interfaces xe-0/0/44 ether-options 802.3ad ae1
set interfaces xe-0/0/12 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set interfaces xe-0/0/12 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members v500
set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options lacp active
set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options lacp system-id 00:01:02:03:04:05
set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options mc-ae mc-ae-id 3
set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options mc-ae chassis-id 0
set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options mc-ae mode active-active
set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options mc-ae status-control active
set ae1 aggregated-ether-options mc-ae init-delay-time 240
set interfaces ae1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk
set interfaces ae1 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members v100
set interfaces vlan unit 500 family inet address
set vlans v100 vlan-id 100
set vlans v500 vlan-id 500
set vlans v500 l3-interface vlan.500
set protocols iccp local-ip-addr
set protocols iccp peer session-establishment-hold-time 50
set protocols iccp peer backup-liveness-detection backup-peer-ip
set protocols iccp peer liveness-detection minimum-receive-interval 60
set protocols iccp peer liveness-detection transmit-interval minimum-interval 60
set protocols rstp interface xe-0/0/12 disable
set multi-chassis multi-chassis-protection interface ae0

the support depends on the platform.

In the appendix they describe the old syntax.
let's hope it's not on the test.

On to MPLS.
My favorite subject

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