Monday, February 11, 2013

Junos Intermediate Routing

Junos Intermediate Routing

Static Routes.

Alright, this is the stape.

Network A wants to reach ISP B.

A static route will point the traffic.
set routing-options static route  next-hop

The result if you go for the Show Route table is.

root# run show route      *[Static/5] 01:09:00
                    > to    via fe-0/0/1.0

So basically.
On R1 there is a statement saying.
anything  /  any subnet 0      that comes along    
There is a Static Route  

So send it on the

Next-hop   to
Using Interface   fe-0/0/1.0

Which is the IP of R2.

This is a static route, the negative about them is that if the link dies. The route will not work and
will not change until we MANUALLY change the route.

Now let's lab this nonsense.
You might go, oh well static route how hard can it be.
Well this is Juniper so let's see.

Below is the configuration from the SRX.
root@srx101# show
## Last changed: 2013-02-08 20:05:17 UTC
version 12.1R1.9;
system {
    host-name srx101;
    root-authentication {
        encrypted-password "$1$3P3agxZe$Pmrwg9xRcH73xJDpeCrGM0"; ## SECRET-DATA
interfaces {
    fe-0/0/1 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                address;                # this will connect to the other SRX
    fe-0/0/2 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                address;             # this will connect to the other SRX
    fe-0/0/6 {
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
                address;                        # this is the interface to the LAN
security {
    forwarding-options {
        family {
            mpls {
                mode packet-based;                                          #this makes the SRX behave like a cheap router

The other one is identical minus the IP changes.

Now assuming  on  WAN router you set up/
which is the Cisco gateway in my case.
Or you set up a default gateway if you are using a PC.

You should be able to ping.   which is the Interface 0/7 on the SRX>
You should be able to ping the    which is the IP on the interface 0/1  on the SRX.

This is simply because the SRX 999 should have the routes to those two in the routing table.

Let's have a look at the Routing Table on the SRX999.
root@999# run show route

inet.0: 6 destinations, 6 routes (6 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both        *[Direct/0] 00:10:40
                    > via fe-0/0/1.0        *[Local/0] 00:10:40
                      Local via fe-0/0/1.0        *[Direct/0] 00:10:40
                    > via fe-0/0/2.0        *[Local/0] 00:10:40
                      Local via fe-0/0/2.0     *[Direct/0] 00:37:15
                    > via fe-0/0/7.0     *[Local/0] 00:37:15
                      Local via fe-0/0/7.0

I marked in GREEN the interfaces we just configured on the SRX.
Notice how the table is not the prettiest.
However it states,
if I want to send   with a subnet of   I will send it DIRECT   Via
interface       -0/0/7.0

Ok. Now let's add a static route.
If you want to send something to   then send it using the IP to SRX101 who should forward it on to the LAN router. and eventually reach the IP.

root@999# show routing-options
static {
    route next-hop;

The command is   set routing-options static    route  next-hop

Normally if you are starting from scratch this will still not enable you to ping
or even  the next hop  from your WAN router.
Simply because the SRX101  does not know how to return the response packet.

So on SRX101 we have to place a static route to route the response back.
I used the static route   which means ALL IPs that are there , their next-hop is

root@srx101# show routing-options
static {
    route next-hop;

Alright, so on the table we finally have the routing table with a static route.
root@srx101# run show route

inet.0: 7 destinations, 7 routes (7 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden)
+ = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both          *[Static/5] 00:16:31
                    > to via fe-0/0/1.0        *[Direct/0] 00:33:53
                    > via fe-0/0/1.0

You can clearly tell the Juniper book writers are too experienced and love throwing terms.

Next-Hop is typically the IP address of a directly connected device.

you can also send the next-hop to the bit bucket.
Which means to drop it.
There are two ways.
Reject will send an ICMP unreachable.
Discard will drop it without any message.

Static routes stay in the routing table until they become inactive.
When the next hop is unavailable it will become inactive.

Default Static hop is 5.
So if we want to set up TWO static routes.
We will leave one as the default and then add another one with a higher Metric.
In choosing the next hop the lower the Priority in the Routing table
The more likely it will be chosen.
route {next-hop;qualified-next-hop {preference 10;}

So the next-hop  has the default of 5
the next-hop has a priority of 10
So will be chosen.
Now if it goes inactive because we unplugged the cable from Fe-0/0/1
Then the will be chosen .

Some more things you can do are.
static  {
     defaults   {
         preference 200;
the above for example will set any static route to have a low priority of 200 instead
of the usual 5.

static {
So this for example will NOT advertise that route to the routing protocols
They recommend using this for management networks.

IPV6 default route.
set routing-options rib  inet6.0  static  route 0::/0   next-hop  3001::1 preference 250

The Routing table is called RIB.
So IPv4 has a RIB
IPv6 has another RIB.
So when you want to set up an IPv6 route you have to reference THAT RIB.
which is what we did above.

Shitty writing.
Besides changing the "preference"
you have another option.
If two routes have the SAME preference
route  next-hop
route  next-hop
they would both have the same preference.

So you can use the METRIC.
The same rules apply, the lower the metric. Then that will be chosen.

This is from Cisco as Juniper can't bother explaining the theme.

How Metrics Determine the Route Selection Process

Routes are chosen and built in the routing table based on the routing protocol's administrative distance. The routes learned from the routing protocol with the lowest administrative distance are installed in the routing table. If there are multiple paths to the same destination from a single routing protocol, then the multiple paths would have the same administrative distance and the best path is selected based on the metrics. Metrics are values associated with specific routes, ranking them from most preferred to least preferred. The parameters used to determine the metrics differ for different routing protocols. The path with the lowest metric is selected as the optimal path and installed in the routing table. If there are multiple paths to the same destination with equal metrics, load balancing is done on these equal cost paths. For more information on load balancing see



lab@exA-1# show routing-options
static {
    route {
        qualified-next-hop {
            metric 100;
        metric 50;

So two routes  next-hop metric 50
            routes  qualified-next-hop  metric 100

If you don't use the qualified-next-hop  it will not work.
the qualified-next-hop let's you specify "different" metrics and preferences.

F$%k me, that was Static routes. Was supposed to be simple.

Aggregate routes

Now if you export each route to the ISP router
The ISP router will have the following routing table.  next hop  ACME next-hop ACME next-hop ACME next-hop ACME
Each route will take a 1KB of memory on that router.

the rule of thumb seems to be.
512 MB (default) DRAM, upgradable to 1 GB

• Supports routing tables with up to 1 million entries

So I would estimate that each 
1 "GB" = 1,048,576 "KB"
So Each entry will take a KB

Now if you want to make the table on the ISP router smaller and you can assume that all of the
go out the interface towards ACME.

You can then use an aggregate.
ACME router will publish an AGGREGATE route.
the route will say.   next-hop  ACME router
So the ISP routing table will say next-hop internet  next-hop   is ACME.

Route Summarization and Route Aggregation appear to be the same thing.
Don't you love the different naming. NOT.

So on router ACME
set routing-options aggregate route 
this sets up the aggregated route.

then you have to 

Set policy-options policy-statement aggregate-into-rip term first-term  from protocol aggregate then accept;

Set protocols rip export aggregate-into-rip 

So basically we created the Aggregate and then told the RIP protocol to export that aggregate to other
RIP parties.

If you are still in static land.
Simply go to ISP router and add.
set routing-options static route next-hop  ACME

 so as you can see,
You can aggregate either using the static
or when you are using routing protocols you can aggregate routes and then export them.

Now  covers a lot of networks.
What happens if the ISP sends a packet towards you.
ie send  ICMP unreachable.

You can change that and make that a DISCARD. Which will drop it silently.

Up to you.

Default Value of an aggregate route is 130 so you can change the preference you are exporting.

on the router you can type
>show route exact detail
 and you can see the details about the aggregate and the contributing routes
you can also see if the next-hop is reject in case of not finding the said networks.

Seriously the person that wrote this first chapter deserves some ##$#$#%%#
Not to mention the Examples on Juniper website are about as easy
to get as nuclear bomb building from wikipedia.
Generated Routes
OK,. I mean the explanations on google are atrocious.
I mean they are about as bad as a virgin telling you what to do with a woman.

I'll get back to this after I lab  this.

martian Addresses
OK, martian addresses = addresses that will not be added to the routing table.   # which is the loopack              # this is a flaw as RIPE has allocated these IPs to public people         # same thing another flaw. Apparentley Juniper used them for some internal items.     god knows why.  or longer  or longer.

You can add more to the MARTIANS or drop some
show routing-options martians

anyway to be honest this whole Martian thing is a bit sketchy.
Just so you know it goes.
set routing-options martians or longer 
this will drop all   from any routing table.

Routing Instances.
You can set up many "routing instances"
Each one will have its own.
1. Routing table
2. Interfaces
3. and routing protocols.

The software JUNOS will keep them apart.
That way you can accomodate many clients or different scenarion.

The master one is called INET.0

lab@exA-1# run show route instance 
Instance             Type
         Primary RIB                                     Active/holddown/hidden
master               forwarding     
         inet.0                                          2/0/0

Notice how the table is extremely well aranged. A la DOS from 1995

The Instance is MASTER
The primary RIB   Routing Information base is  inet.0            
the active/holddown/hidden will give you the details of how many routes you have

So 2 are active - non on holddown - non hidden.

This is the Google Explanation
Routes in holddown state are in pending state before declared inactive. Hidden routes are not in the routing table because of a routing policy.""
I mean come on.
Does everybody just copy paste and blog.
I guess I must be dumb.
Maybe I will download  Junos for dummies.

Research the holddown and hidden.
I'll ask the Juniper guys, they'll probably quote me the same thing as above.

This is an example of creating ANOTHER router.
This is a virtual router.
It will have its own routing .
Its own default gateway

and its own OSPF process.

lab@exA-1# show routing-instances 
Routing2 {
    instance-type virtual-router;
    interface ge-0/0/0.0; ## '
    interface ge-0/0/1.0; ## '
    routing-options {
        static {
            route next-hop;
    protocols {
        ospf {
            area {
                interface ge-0/0/0.0;
                interface ge-0/0/1.0;

So the type is vritual-router
it has interface 0 and 1
a static route
and its own OSPF.

When you ping the address you can reference the INSTANCE to use for the IP resolution.

chapter 3
Loadbalancing and filter based forwarding.

load balancing.
I am paying for 2 links to another guy. I want to loadbalance and use both.

So I can load balance by packet.
If I send A B C D
They might arrive as

So the other device has to waste time waiting around for them to come.
So it can arrange them into the correct flow of
ACBD   which is let's say a phone conversation.

So instead of load balancing by packet.
I can load balance by FLOW.

same source - same destination - same protocol   will be considered a single flow.

By default. Junos selects ONE route to use.

So how to control the three options.

set policy-options policy-statement load-balance-all  then     load-balance per packet

Set policy-options policy statement load-balance-some
from route-filter exact
from route-filter exact
load-balancer per packet.

notice how everything says PER-PACKET
however newer platforms will use the    flow
older ones will actually do this per-packet.  packet.

god , can't you update the command ???

Applying it works
set routing-options     forwarding-table   export policy      "load-balance-some"

now as you can see the forwarding table will export into itself the load-balancing.

So far not the best as far as applied logic.

set forwarding-options   hash-key family ineet   layer-3  layer-4

the above will set up the forwarding to include also the layer 4 information of ports
when separating flows to forward.

show route forwarding-table
will show you the routing forward table and in it you will have the two next-hops

filter based forwarding.

Ok, Let's say I am a service provider and I am paying two ISPs
ISP A   gives me a low latency fast link
ISP B is some bad ISP.

Now I can give my client two options.
Client  wants to use ISP A

client  wants to use ISP B.

So to separate the traffic I can use a FILTER based Forwarding.

I will create a FILTER based on the source address.
set firewall family inet filter   Separate_the_two_clients   term  term_01 from
set firewall family inet filter   Separate_the_two_clients   term  term_01  THEN   routing-instance   ISPA

same thing but for the other client 

set firewall family inet filter   Separate_the_two_clients   term  term_02 from
set firewall family inet filter   Separate_the_two_clients   term  term_02  THEN   routing-instance   ISPB

so the "firewall filter "   Separate_the_two_clients has   two terms.
Term01   sends the guys from to ISPA

Term02 sends the guys from the to ISPB.

Now you apply this Filter  on the INTERFACE that connects to the two clients as an INPUT.

So GE-0/0/5 will have an input filter that will separate the packet flows

So client 1 goes to routing-instance ISPA
So Client 2 goes to routing-instance ISPB

Now you have to create the routing-instance
Each routing-instance will use a different ISP destination IP.

set routing-instances        ISPA    instance-type forwarding      routing-options static route next-hop IP_ISPA

set routing-instances        ISPB    instance-type forwarding      routing-options static route next-hop IP_ISPB

now in the past we created a separate routing-instance that was a virtual-router
here we can simplify it by creating a  routing-instance  that is a forwarding   one because we are
only looking to forward here, not do full routing.

Now we apply the FILTER to the interface.
set interface ge-0/0/5.0 family inet filter input Separate_the_two_clients 
set interface ge-0/0/5.0 family inet address
set interface ge-0/0/5.0 family inet address

so the inteface has the two IPs from the subnets.
It has also been applied the FILTER.

In order to get the ability to route to the next destinations   aka ISPA and ISPB

we need to add the instances to the RIB inet.0

set routing-options interfaec-routes rib-group inet  my-rib-group

set routing-options rib-groups  my-rib-group  import-rib   inet.0 ISPA.inet.0  ISP.inet.0

so now all the tables can use each other.
So now the ISPA.inet.o  can see the other interfaces.
So can ISPB.inet.0   can see the routes from inet.0 too  
So now both know how to route to the next-hop 

OK, as if that wasn't easy.
I can just feel myself clamoring for some RIBs with a barbecue sauce.

There is another way of doing this.

I don't care what the RIBs do we can use TOPOLOGY.

set routing-options topologies  family  inet  topology  Video_top

so you call up topolgies and give it a name  video_top.

You create a FILTER as usual 
set firewall family inet filter My_Firewall_filter term 01  from forwarding-class expedited-forwarding
the assumption here is that the video will have a QoS expedited-forwarding on it.
then topology Video_top

so the Firewall Filter is set
It will be applied to the interface.

set interface ge-0/0/5.0 family inet filter input    My_firewall_filter

so in comes traffic it is video and has expedited-forwarding  the filter   sends it to   topology  Video_top.

Each topology you create automatically populates it with routes from the default table.
So there is a new ROUTING table with the routes from the DEFAULT table.

Chapter 4 OSPF.
Well at least we don't have EIGRP here. So can't complain.

OK, OSPF floods LSA link state Advertisments
The Djikstra algorithm will calculate all the LSAs and come up with the shortest path.
Open Short Path First.

All of the LSAs are in the LSDB  Link state Database.

Advertising ID      his links   and the COST

In the same AREA each router will have the same LSDB.

Once the calculation is done, then the device will add that route to the routing table.

OSPF has a few packet types. They are.
Type 1   Hello - The Hello will set up a relationship.
Type 2   Database description    will describe the Database it has.

Type 3   link-state request will request a route
Type 4   link-state update will  provide that route
Type 5 link-state acknowledgement   will  ack that I got the route.

Type 1 Hello.
Hello is sent using Multicast
Each router sends Hellos.
In order for the Hello's to be worthwhile.
You need to form an adjacency.

So every 10 seconds you get a Hello. Unless this is a Non-Broadcast interface then it is 30 seconds(ATm,FrameRelay)
the Hello looks like this.

The network mask is for Broadcast to agree on a network.
The hello INTERVAL is 10 seconds in Juniper 15 in Cisco   so make sure it matches.

The Dead interval is 4 times  the INTERVAL. So if the interval won't match this won't match either.
After the 4*10 seconds are done, the relationship is dead .

Options  allows you to set up Stubs and similar so they should match.

Router Priority is for selecting the Designated Router.    0 zero means it will not participate.

Designated router will handle all the router to router updates. So you won't have to update all the routers.
this will tell you who is the DR.  if it is 0..0.0.0  then none has been selected.

Backup designated router will take over if the Desginated router does not work.
if none is selected you get

Neighbor ?? will have the ROUTER ID of every neighbor I have seen.

Alright, that was an Hello.
Based on the hello you just got you can become neighbors
You can also select a DR and a BDR.

Type 2 Database Description
Alright DD
Database Description.
The two routers who just became neighbors. Need to decide on the update.
The one with the higher RID will become the MASTER and the other guy the SLAVE

After this they can exchange LSAs.
So they quickly send I have 20 entries   then other guy goes I have ten.

Type 3 Link State request
Sending the entries or LSAs
So now each entry from the table can be requested.
Send me entry 5 and 10

type 4 Link State Update
So now it will send the update .
OSPF header   number of advertisements and the LSAs

type 5 link state acknowledge
so now you can ACK that you got them.
It is an OSPF packet with the list of LSA headers I got.

Forming the adjacency.

Adjacency optimization

Normally if the OSPF will run and start setting up adjacencies.
That is what will happen. Each device will be a BFF neighbor with the other devices.

This will create a lot of gossip or network chatter.
So they came up with the concept of
BDR and DR

The DR is the designated Router  it will be the one that holds all the updates and updates everyone.

So in this case the DR now updates everybody.
The rest of the switches will only reach the 2-way stage of communication between each other.

The same thing happens with the BDR.
They will link to it, however it will not be sending any updates on the wire.

The above is only relevant for broadcast medium.
Where the Multicast would work.

If the link is a  POINT to POINT there is no need for the DR/ BDR election process.
set protocols OSPF area    interface  ge-1/0/0.0    interface-type   p2p

>Show ospf interface  

also on a p2p link the   link will not generate LSA type2  data.

Elections for presidient 
OSPF has a DR election priority of 128
The higher the Priority the more chances of you getting elected.
If priority is the same higher RID will win the election.

Existing DR will not be replaced.

>show  OSPF neighbor.
DR and BDR will have a state of FULL.
all of the "other" ones will have a state of 2way between themselves.


To allow scalability, you can divide the network routing updates into areas.
The Routers that have legs in two areas or more will be able to summarize the areas.
The LSDB for each area will be a lot smaller.

So for example in the above instead of having  LSDB 0 = 500 MB
now we have LSDB5 = 5MB    LSDB6 = 5MB       LSDB0 = x  etc
This allows you to use smaller routers with less memory and be able to limit
LSA flooding that happens every tim there is a change.

For example. If AREA 6 router have a change. It will only have to update the router on Area5/6/0 border.

ABR is an area border router- basically any router that connects two areas is an ABR
ASBR  is a Autonomous system boundary router -  Any router that sits between OSPF and non-OSPF
networks .

These are the type of updates will move from one area to another.

Now a totally stubby area will only get a default route injected into it.
That will be send all to backbone. next-hop  IP of backbone 

A Stub has some devices that need to send intra area to each other.

A not so stubby area is an area that has an ASBR to the outside.

The rest is the normal areas or a backbone.

LSA 1 is hi this is me and these are my interfaces
LSA 2  is for the BDR/ DR  They send them describing the network to the non-bdr/DR guys

LSA 3 is a summary of this area    this summary is sent to the other area. An ABR will generate it.

LSA 4 is  the ABR sending details about how to reach the ASBR routers in his area.

LSA 5   External  is from the ASBR giving you the network details of the external network.

LSA 7  NSSA external       is from the ASBR to all his guys in the NSSA.   The ABR will convert this to LSA5 to
send it to the other areas.

OSPF v2  is for IPv4
OSPFv3  is for both IPv4 and IPv6


ABRs can summarize.

prefix-export-limit    #limits the number of prefixes that will be exported to OSPF.

Graceful restart will notify the  other devices you are restarting 

BFD bidirectional forwarding helps to quickly tell link failures.

Setting it up.
set protocols OSPF  area  x.x.x.x     interface ge-0/0/5.0

set protocols OSPF3  area  x.x.x.x     interface ge-0/0/5.0

Set routing-options   router-id
marks for you the name of the router that will appear on the advertisements.
If not it will use the first interface   like loopback.

If not loopback then the first hardware interface.

best practices is to always set up the RID.

Some exciting labs.

Pretty much the set up is the setup above.
This is what an OSPF configuration looks like on a Junos.

protocols {
    ospf {
        area {
            interface fe-0/0/1.0;
            interface fe-0/0/2.0 {
                metric 100;
        area {
            interface fe-0/0/7.0;

So Area 0 is interfaces 1 and 2  with a METRIC of 100 for 2.
So Area 2  is interface fe7 

If you match it on the other router, they will easily for an adjacency.

root@999# run show ospf neighbor

Address          Interface              State          ID                    Pri  Dead             fe-0/0/1.0             Full       128    35             fe-0/0/2.0             Full       128    37      fe-0/0/7.0             Full        1    34

Address is  the IP address of the neighbor
Interface is which interface do I use to reach him.
State FULL , means they have both synchronized the LSDB databases
ID   is the "router-id"  you can configure on each router.
PRI is the priority for becoming a DR or BDR.
Dead is how many seconds before the neighbor is dead. This will constantly change every hello.

run show ospf statistics   will give you some stats.

run show ospf database
will give you the details of the routes in the LSDB

Area = 0 
Router is the   * me  would be the router-id of the router this printout came from.
the second "Router"   is the  which is the other SRX in my Lab

In Area
The second router is the   WAN one

AS is a set of routers operating under the same administration.

NLRI network layer Reach-ability information -      this is the LSDB for the BGP.  a database of reachable-ness.

Communication from one AS to another AS is   eBGP          external.
communication internally in the AS can be iBGP   internal

The TTL by default of eBGP is 1.
So devices should be connected directly to each other.
SO ASN1 speaker   should connect directly    to ASN2 speaker.

If the connection is further than one hop, you need to create a "Multi-hop" eGBP.

iBGP uses the loopback interfaces on routers as they do not change.
iBGP relies on an IGP like OSPF  to travel on.

BGP is manual, there is no auto discovery.
You have to manually tell him who his buddies are and what is their ASN.

BGP relies on PROTOCOL TCP  port 179
so TCP must be alive and doing well for bgp to work.

Sorry for the size, hard to put so much information into a diagram.
Print this out and work on it.

There are SIX states. The States will give you a hint on where the process has failed.

First off is IDLE.
IDLE is a failure, when things fail they all go back to IDLE and from there will restart the process again.

So from IDLE you configure "manually" the BGP settings and the router will start sending TCP
because BGP is over TCP port 179 to the   neighbor AS.

So for example.
This is what a CIsco BGP command looks like

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 200

c   the ASN of router 007     will be 100
the neighbors  IP  address is         and his ASN  is 200

So now from IDLE your router goes.
Open a TCP connection    using 179   to
### so if port 179 is closed   or you don't have any ports available higher than 1023
remember a connection looks like    from  1023  to  port   179  
and the response will be   from 179  to port 1023
## so if no ports are available or you cannot route to 129   the 
{{CONNECT state}}   will fail.  If it fails it goes back to IDLE

Let's say you have port 179 and all is good.
The Router will send a message to OPEN  the processes on the router
the message is  OpenMessage.
Since this is TCP it will get a confirmation an ack  that the OpenMessage was received.
If the confirmation comes.
It switches to    OPENSENT state                  
if it fails , it will switch to ACTIVE     from ACTIVE it will try one more time. If it fails again, then it goes to IDLE.

So ACTIVE, will try one more time and if it fails drop it and go back to IDLE.

OPENSENT   means I sent an Open.
Now I just wait for the other device. That was ALSO manually configured to reach the same STATE and send me an OpenMEssage.

The other device will have the similar manual configuration.
router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 100

So once both devices have sent each other the OpenMessage.
They will switch to OpenConfirm and will trade KeepAlives.

Once the KeepAlives are flowing.
They can switch to   ESTABLISHED   and trade  updates+keeaplives all the time.

A NOTIFICATION is sent to the peer when the keepalive timer has run out.
You send a NOTIFICATION    and switch automatically to IDLE.

6 States.
IDLE  - not good
Active - not good but will give it one more try.
Connect -   is on the way.
OpenSent and Openconfirm should go by quickly if all is well.
Established - GREAT!!!!!!!

So once TCP three way shake was good.
You will send an Open Message.
The message starts the actual BGP 

Update will trade BGP routing info

Keepalive do not have any data , only a header.
Notification     means the BGP session has had a malfunction - drop and go back to idle give me 10 pushups.

Refresh     - you don't readvertise routes. however you might want to "refresh" the routes you have 
                       so you get a refreshing coke.

If a neighbor goes down
all the routes that came from that neighbor are deleted.

Using the BGP attributes you can detect Loops

A BGP update is a path and the prefixes that can be reached using this path.

Let's see.

this is a normal flow of a BGP.
Customer A gets a pool of IPs.

His ISP will aggregate them into it's own ISP pool.
His ISP will publish the ISP pool to the Internet.

So now Customer B, does not need a "specific" line for
It just needs  a line for the much larger pool of
This allows you to save the number of lines in the BGP tables.
Currently there are 300000 to 400000 routes in BGP.

OK Now. in BGP you can Dual home.

Dual Home = connect to two or more ISP providers  each with a different ASN.

So now Customer B has TWO routes to reach customer A.
BOTH will be in the BGP table.
The Selected route will be the Shorter one of the two, that route will go to the ROUTING TABLE.
The select route is called   the   "best route "

On BGP packets that go along you can add Attributes.
Those Attributes allow BGP a fleixble complicated system of route choice.

The Common Attributes are.

The book here sucks big time and the explanations are about as good a Halal hot dog stand in NY.

Next- Hop

Alright. AS 6431 is sending an update the update will say.
To reach me  

Me being    
Please add to your table   that the NEXT-HOP must be  my router

So now
The BGP table in AS7018 will say.      AS PATH  AS 6431

The Routing table in AS7018 will say.
Route   next-hop

OK, the BGP update keeps travelling.
So now AS 7018 replaces the Next-hop with the next-hop of its own router.
Then it adds the AS7018   to the AS PATH

So now 
The BGP table on AS12654 will say.    AS PATH    7018   AS  6431

The routing table will say.
Route  next-hop

So, as the great explanation by Ljiljana Trajkovic   from
Every time you cross an AS   the next-hop will change
and the AS number will be added to the AS PATH.

OK, AS path we talked about this in the BGP Dual home slide and here.
Everytime you cross an AS the AS is added to the AS-PATH .
If the AS-PATH appears twice, then that means you have a LOOP 
So that route will be dropped.

AS - path easy
Next-hop easy.

Based on this

The Origin will say where the route came from.
If it is a BGP route.
For example you have the BGP router  Network command.
host4(config)#router bgp 300
host4(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 100
host4(config-router)#network mask
The route will say Origin  I  for IGP or (0)

If it is from the protocol that was a predecessor to BGP
it was called EGP  it is from 2000 back when I started IT.
Then it will say.
E    for EGP (1)

If the route says incomplete.
That is ok too.
It just means it came from a static route.
Or you used a "redistribute" command to add it from a interior gateway protocol.
For example
host1(config)#ip route
host1(config)#router bgp 100
host1(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 100
host1(config-router)#redistribute static
In this case we redistributed the STATIC  into the BGP.

The default is I  for (o) IGP.

This is a bit misleading as IGP sounds like an IGP like OSPF or ISIS
and the EGP  sounds like EBGP.
So sucks to be us.

Alright so Next-hop will point to the router who sent the update.
AS path will show the path to follow
Origin will say if it came from BGP  or was injected into the BGP using redistribute.


Let's try.
Local Preference.

The Local Preference is used within the AS.
If the Local preference of a router is higher.
The router next to the Firewall will use the Local Preference 300 as his exit.

Once the packet leaves the AS  the local preference is deleted/removed.
This is a well-known discretionary   attribute. If you want you have the discretion to use it.

WE know which way to get the data out = local preference
When we send updates we place the next-hop as our router  and every ASN will change it to their routers IP
When people get our updates they can see the AS path they have to take to reach us 
When people get the update they know if it is a BGP route or it was redistributed.

I forgot BGP routes are preferred to the Incomplete ones.

Multiple Exit Discriminator.

Let's say we have two ISPs  one is cable so the download is cheap and easy.
The other is a T1 which is expensive.
Now you can advertise WHICH route do you want people to take.
You do that by adding a MED
The MED by default is  ZERO  and not every AS supports this.
So in the above example.
We set up the MED to be 10 on the cheap ISP
and MED 30 on the expensive one.

So now. Traffic coming back from the AS 65005 will take the Cheap ISP route
because the MED number was lower.

Notice how most things the higher the number the more likely it will take it, like the Local Preference.
In this case it is the OPPOSITE.
The LOWER the number the more chance that will be taken.

the MED will also be removed by the ASN when it sends the update to the next ASN 
It is an  "optional   nontransitive"  attribute.  So it does not transit.

Community is an added number to the ASN  
for example 65001:133
You can use that number with the ISP that agree on using communities to control the traffic flow
or distribution.

The community number is arbitrary or agreed upon by RIRs.
For example.
I might have many clients in an ISP but I don't want to export all of their routes.
So I can have them add the  No-Export  or the no-advertise.
No-Export means do not export to any EBGP  link
No-advertise means do not export to any BGP  even an IGP.

You can try reading this.
However in this case let's just say you can use it and leave it at that.
This is OPTIONAL  TRANSITIVE       which means if your peer supports it he will leave it there.

set policy-options policy-statement ibgp-export from neighbor then community set csutomer_route

set policy-options community  customer_route  members  64700:133
so we marked the data coming in from neighbor  as  64700:133.
So now when I send updates on that route it will have that community 133.

How BGP routes are are selected.
1. The AS will check that the Next-Hop is available.
2. If you are still in the AS and have not reached the Border router it will use the Local Preference.(highest value)
3. It will prefer the shorter ASN value. This is simply counting how many ASN  ASN  ASN ASN you have
4. the lowest Origin.   In between 0 for BGP    or  2  for redistributed.

Ok, the assumption here is that the BGP will contain the accurate data. While somebody might have
wrongly distributed a network into his BGP updates for others.

5.  MED  if  you are at the pre-final ASN  it will use the MED  to exit towards the network you are trying to reach
remember the lower the MED  the more it will use it. 

6.  OK If after this I still have two routes, one leads to EBGP  the second one leads to another router in
my IGP    . The best choice would be to get out from the ASN as that saves you a hop.

7.  if you have a choice of two IBGP routes. It will consult the inet.0 and inet.3 to see the BGP next hop count.
If not it will use the physical next hops
If you are still tied  it will use the route with more paths

8. If all of the above in 7 is still tied it will look at the cluster list

9. Still tied   iit will use the router with the lowest Peer ID.

Notice how Local_pref  is given a much higher priority even if the AS-Path might be longer.
So use it wisely.


iBGP do not redistribute routes they got from iBGP.
So R2 got the route next-hop  from R1.
So iBGP cannot send it to R3.

So technically R3 does not know how to reach

The only way to solve this is to make a link between R1 and R3

So every iBGP should be meshed to every other iBGP in your network.

So now R3 knows in order to reach the Addresses   it needs to send to

However !!!!!!
In order to do that R3 needs a route from OSPF or static telling it how to reach

So if you want to avoid R3 having to write that routing IGP down.
You can use something called Next-hop SELF.

If we use NEXT-HOP SELF in this instance.
Then R1 will advertise it's own Loopback IP as the NEXT-HOP in the BGP message.
So now all R3 needs is the usual route to R1. Which it has.

IBGP will learn a route from EBGP   it will advertise it to one IBGP  which will not advertise it any further.

EBGP advertise everything to other EBGPs

So a route an iBGP learns from an iBGP will not be advertised

That was theory
now let's practice.

Let's configure the above.  R1 is the left one on 65020
set routing-options router-id          #this is the router-id of the loopback
set routing-options autonomous-system 65020          #this is the ASN of the router 

set protocols bgp  group  internal_ibgp-65020        # this is an arbitrary group name.
set protocols bgp group internal_ibgp-65020     type   internal         # this denotes an iBGP
set protocols bgp group internal_ibgp-65020     local-address         # this denotes the IP for the bgp update
set protocols bgp group internal_ibgp-65020     neighbor  # ok  this is my buddy iBGP  R2

this will set up the iBGP between R1 and R2

For the eBGP.
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005    type external     #this time external for eBGP
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005    peer-as 65505     #this will label the peer AS
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005    neighbor     #this will give the peer AS an IP

The IP here will be used to reach the AS 65005.
The IP in the update I will send to 65005 in the next-hop will be
There is no Local-prefence
There is no MED
there is not community
The origin will be IGP(0)

In general you can omit the type and it will still work.
Junos will assume if the ASN is a different one then it is an external relationship.

Now R2 will get an update once the relationship is set.
for example ASN 65005 will send 

Company B  next-hop
R1 will take it 
and send it to R2.

So now R2 will have in its table.
CompanyB    next-hop

Now if you remember R2 will need to have a route for
If you want to avoid that we said you can use the Next-hop self.
This is how.

set policy-options policy-statement  next_hop_self  term   alter_next_hop    then next-hop self

 the above is a policy with 1 term   that  simply changes the next-hop to SELF

set protocol bgp group internal_ibgp-65020    export next_hop_self
this will export that policy term   into the   data being exported to iBGP peers.

Let's say I have the three networks.

I don't want to export all three.
I just want to aggregate them into one and export that.
So ASN 65005  simply routes  all 172.16  towards me  and I make up my mind what to do with it.
And ASN 65005 has less routes so needs less memory and less money for the hardware.

set routing-options aggregate route              remember this aggregates it in the routing table.

now i want to export it so I will use another policy.
 set policy-options policy-statement   Advertise_aggregate  from protocol  aggregate 
 set policy-options policy-statement   Advertise_aggregate  from route-filter exact
 set policy-options policy-statement   Advertise_aggregate  then accept

see the policy  took from the aggregate part   filtered the route we are talking about    then accepted it.
This is like creating a variable and placing some data in it. which is the aggregate filtered.

now we apply it to the BGP
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005   export Advertise_aggregate

so now when BGP sends an update to  65005 it will be the aggregated instead of 3 routes.

This is usually used by Regional RIRs to limit the number of routes in the BGP worldwide tables.
Since the RIR owns all of   x.x.0.0   might as well have one route.
Then the RIR can separate it to the ISPs in his RIR.

At least that is what I know.
An analogy for example.
Is I don't need ALL the routes to every airpot in Russia if i am flying from the USA.
I just need the route to Moscow and Leningrad(St Petersburg)   from there I can take a local flight.

The policy.
Remember the policy used above.
 set policy-options policy-statement   Advertise_aggregate  from protocol  aggregate 
 set policy-options policy-statement   Advertise_aggregate  from route-filter exact
 set policy-options policy-statement   Advertise_aggregate  then accept
you can choose where to apply. You can apply it for example on a Neighbor level.
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005 neighbor   export Advertise_aggregate
you can also apply it on ALL the external ones.
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005    export Advertise_aggregate 
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005 neighbor  
set protocols bgp group external_ebgp_to_65005 neighbor   
this will export it to the TWO BGP neighbors in the above Visio.
You can also apply it to the whole protocol
set protocols bgp group export Adevertise_aggregate.
this will export it to iBGP and eBGP.

The most specific one is the one that will take precedence.

So when you get BGP routes you can select which ones you want to import to the routing table.

Then from the routing table you can export what you want. Like the aggregate we did.

>Show BGP summary
will show you the neighbors  and their AS numbers.
If the AS is the same as yours you can tell it is an iBGP.

>show BGP neighbor 
will give you the TYPE   for example external
Will give you the STATE   like Established      or IDLE if it is failing.
It will also tell you if there is an <export> policy applied on this neighbor.

>show route protocol bgp
this will look at the route table and filter it by showing you the BGP routes that were added.

>show route receive-protocol bgp
will show you which routes you got from
In the above example  companyB  next-hop  will appear.
These are the routes before  you apply any    IMPORT policy to filter them.

>show route advertising-protocol   bgp     # the IP of the neighbor iBGP
So in this case it will show the R1 exporting
CompanyB   next-hop self              remember we changed it to next-hop self

Alright, I am starting to get this BGP

IP Tunneling.
so this is unsecure tunneling NOT IPSEC.
I used this back in ADSL days to route the clients public IP through the ADSL network which has their
own Private IP range.

Basically this is like an envelope.
You write a letter to your sister. Place it an envelope.
It goes to your home and there it is opened and given to your sister.

You can also use it to route traffic that is un-routable like IPX(Novell) AppleTalk etc.

Tunnels are Point to Point.

GRE can encapsulate anything you want. - like IPv6 MPLS etc.
IP protocol 47 is used and the TTL is lowered by one so it won't run forever
it adds 24 bytes

IP Tunnel  encapsulates IP only.
It adds 20 bytes

gr-x/y/z   is GR  for GRE

ip-x/y/z   is  IP to IP  tunnel

the tunnel will be from  gr-x/y/z.0   to   gr-z/r/t.0  so the unit matters.

1. The Endpoint must have a Funnel route set to send traffic to the destination using the Tunnel.
2. The Endpoint on the Tunnel side must have a route to the other Endpoint.
3. The routers in the cloud must have routes to the other Endpoint.

So for example number 3 would be the routing protocol.
Number 2 will use the routing protocol to find the Endpoint
and number 1 will be a route saying to reach x.x.x.x use Tunnel Zebra.

This is similar to IPSEC except these tunnels are un-encrypted.

The Endpoint, doesn't know if the other Endpoint is alive.
In order to keep a keepalive it uses the BFD
Biderectional Forwarding detection

apparently GRE can be configured with the following
#set protocols oam   gre-tunnel  interfaec gr-1/1/10.1 keepalive-time 10
#set protocols oam   gre-tunnel  interfaec gr-1/1/10.1 hold-time  30

the keepalive will be every 10 seconds
and after 30 seconds it will be considered down.

So when two endpoints set up a tunnel they make an assumption that the MTU size is 1500
this is incorrect as you need to factor 20bytes for iptoip  and 24 bytes for GRE.
So you can either
1. Increase the MTU on the tunnel
2. clear-dont-fragment   which will allow the tunnel to fragment packets.

When you configure the static route
Then the next-hop needs to be the Tunnel IP  must be the OTHER side
If not the tunnel fails (bounces)

set interface gr-0/0/0.0 tunnel    source
set interface gr-0/0/0.0 tunnel    destination
They say to add
set interface gr-0/0/0.0 family inet

They say the reason for that is so the GR tunnel will allow IPv4 addresses to flow through.

allow-fragmentation     will enable the tunnel to fragment packets 
copy-tos-to-outer-ip-header      this is so the TOS will be copied to the outer packet for a speedy travel in the cloud.
reassemble-packets   will need to be added on the other side of the tunnel
key       allows you to add a key for security   key must be the same on both sides
clear-don't fragment-bit     this will fragment it before it goes in the tunnel.

set system internet-options    gre-path-mtu-discovery
set system internet-options    ipip-path-mtu-discovery

Both of these will try to discover the MTU of the tunnel dynamically.
So if the packet is too big you get bcak an ICMP telling you to fragment.

so assuming you don't have a routing protocol.
#set routing-options static route   next-hop   # this routes to the endpoint
#set routing-options static route   next-hop   gr-0/0/0.0   #  this funnels it to the tunnel.

>show interfaces gr-0/0/0.0  terse
it will show up up.

>show route
will show static/5  to the

>show route
will show     static/5    via gr-0/0/0.0

Check ping  source
this will test the tunnel from the LAN to the other side 

>show interfaces gr-0/0/0.0  detail
will show you the statistics of input and output.

In general you should set up the route to the other side with a lower priority so it won't change.
For example if you are using a routing protocol to route it might keep trying to send the packet to the other
endpoint using the tunnel instead of the routing protocol.S
so you can use the next-hop  interface  or   next-hop static.

HIgh Availability
Increase Uptime of the device
Decrease  Downtime  when it is down.

GR Graceful restart - Updates the neighbors you are going to the restroom for a second so they don't think you are missing

GRES -  Graceful routing Engine Switchover-   When you have two routing engines it switches gracefully to the other one.

NSR - Non Stop routing  -  this is identical to GR except the second routing engine runs RPD   So now the second routing engine takes over so you can go pee quickly.
You must have a second routing engine and GRES running to do that.
This is better than GR because you don't need the neighbors to know anything

BFD - biderectional Forwarding Detection -   Remember this from the Tunnel  it is a keep alive  used to improve
failure detection times.

VRRP - Virtual Router redundancy protocol.  -  This is used on LANs. When you have a gateway and two VRRP routers.
They will use a Virtual MAC . You set up the Gateway as the Virtual MAC.
Now if one device dies the other one will take over the Virtual MAC

ISSU - In service Software Upgrade. Ok. You want to upgrade XP to Windows 7.
So Routing Engine 1 will upgrade ,  meantime   Routing engine 2  will run the business.
You must have 2 routing engines.
GRES   graceful switchover
and   NSR      so the routing to the neighbors isn't impaired in the meantime.

So ISSU must have GRES + NSR
     GRES    must have  NSR

    NSR  cannot run with GR   its one or the other.

The features will vary by platform.

GR does keep it stable -relatively.
There is a timer
Neighbors must support it.
There cannot be ANOTHER GR currently being done.

Forwarding will continue while the Routing Engine is restarting.
This is called   NSF   non stop forwarding.

#set routing-options   graceful-restart  disable        #this disables it.

You can set it up for a "specific" protocol
set protocols ospf graceful-restart

You can disable it for a specific interface.
#set protcols ospf interface ge-0/0/0.0 graceful-restart   disable

so see again like the policy.
You can apply it to a neighbor    a    protocol    or  to the whole   router (routing-options)

for OSPF view it in the traceoptions log
for bgp you can see it in the #show bgp neighbor

ok. In GRES  the PFE will keep running
The RPD will be restarted.
So technically all the other neighbors will think you failed.

It uses a keepalive between the routing Engines.
>show chassis routing-engine

This also uses the Groups  like the SRX s HA do.
set groups re1  system host-name Router-RE1
set groups re1  interfaces  fxp0.0 family inet  address    # this sets up the management IP of the RE

set groups re0  system host-name Router-RE0
set groups re0  interfaces  fxp0.0 family inet  address    # this sets up the management IP of the RE

so we basically set up a different routing engine management interface.
Now you apply it using the groups.
set apply-groups  [ re0 re1]
this applies this to both routing engines.
the apply-group.

By default, graceful Routing Engine switchover is disabled.
To configure graceful Routing Engine switchover.
Set chassis redundancy graceful-switchover;

The CLI will look like this
 {master} [edit]

To disable graceful Routing Engine switchover, delete the graceful-switchover statement 

Once you have the above
{master}  you can apply the groups we talked about.

>show system switchoverwill show it on and ready.

To verify the state of the synchronization
Switch to the other RE
and type
>show system statistics

we said the above is only good for the PFE  the Forwarding part.
You can add the Routing Engine   Routing part redundancy.   RPD.

The NSR non stop routing will create another RPD on the second routing engine and will sync them.

set routing-options    nonstop-routing 

set chassis redundancy graceful-switchover     #  remember GRES must be running for the NSR to work.

>show task replication
will show the enabled and which protocols are running.

to login to the second routing engine.
>request routing-engine login   other-routing-engine
>show ospf neighbor
so we switched to the other routing engine to see the RPD   and check out the neighbors we have.

Failure detection in BGP and OSPF is slow.
set protocol ospf area   interface ge-0/0/0.0               bfd-liveness-detection  minimum-interval 300 ms
The link will fail after 3*300ms   ie 1 second and the link will drop.

You can also set this on BGP group  or on BGP neighbor.
>show bfd session
it will show the multiplier which you can change   and the   transit interval   and detect time(3*interval)

>show bgp neighbor    will show you if there is a BFD on it.

32 bit                                  vs   128
Nat                                     vs      no real NAT
DHCP                                vs      can use this autoconfiguration no one ever does
IPSEC option                   vs    IPSEC mandatory.
OPtions in the header   vs     options go in an    extension field

In general the header is improved as far as the constant size
More IPs .
However in my opinion due to the numerical complexity of the IPv6 format.
Most IT network engineers avoid it like the plague.

The header is FIXED at 40 Bytes.
This makes it simple like ATM  same size header.

Gratuitous IPV6 Jpeg.

Just remember the 128 bits 
The Traffic Class and Flow are the improved QoS
Notice how the Ipv6 is   40 Bytes.
That will be the size of ALL the headers.

I got this off Cisco's white paper.

As you can see in the NEXT header you can mark the NEXT header to be
an extension header.
Then on the next EXTENSION header you point to the next one etc.
Till you are done with the extensions.

The explanation of what are those Extensions are about as vague as cryptic hieroglyph in Egypt is.
Just try remembering
Fragment - obvious
Authentication Header -  used for IPSEC authenticity 
Encrypted security payload     -  used for IPSEC    ESP

We said it was built in no ?

Unicast  goes to one person
Broadcast -  no longer used in IPv6
Multicast -  goes to people.
Anycast  -   This is clever and is assigned to many nodes. The device will talk to the closest node.

So Anycast can be used for example for you to find out the closest video server and then stream from there.
Or the closes CNN web server.

when you have the zeros
0000:0000:0000    you can double colon   ::5c85         (this can only be used ONCE in the whole IP)
you can also simplify  0000:0000:0000:0000  to   0:0:0:0:5c85

reserved ones
::   unspecified    means nothing
::1/128    this is the loopback
FF00::/8      FF   like Fast Forward is for Multicast.
FE08::/10     Local link  private IP addressing

EUI64 creates a unique IPv6
Takes the MAC  adds  FF:FE in the middle  and then the rest of the MAC
This would be unique all over the internet.

Self address discovery works by
The host sends an RS   router solicitation
The Router sends   an RA   router advertisement 

The RA advertisement includes the gateway and the prefix you should add to your IPv6 address.

ND neighbor discovery which I guess is CDP if you are not a Cisco
IPv6 support ND

The above means you don't need a DHCP.
You can still add a DHCPv6

set interface ge-0/0/1.0 family inet6   address fec0:0:0:2003::1/64

pretty much same as IPV4  except you use inet6
and your address is ipv6
Notice the above address is  64 bits  and not   128 bits  like an IPV6 lenght is.

I'll come back to IPV6 later.

It works similar fashion to OSPF.
ISIS updates are PDUs
L1 will route to other L1   or to L2s
L2 route to other L2s in another area.

The main difference between this and OSPF
Is that OSPF has a central area called Area 0   that all other areas connect to  (a backbone)

ISIS does not have that limitation.
You can create a lot more areas.
That is why Service providers will generally use this protocol internally.

Both use the Djukstra algorithm
Buth send hello packets or PDUs
You can summarize addresses
You can run authentication.

ISIS sends hello and discovers if the neighbor is L2 or L1

Link state PDUs are about the state of the links.

CSNP complete sequence detail the whole table - designated will multicast them

PSNP  partial  are requests for missing information

TLVs are the actual information about the routing.
Here is an example

Courtesy of

Level one hellos are on multicast 01-80-C2-00-00-14   
Level 2 two  hellos are on multicast 01-80-C2-00-00-15

Desiganted will send every 3 seconds
Non-designated every 9 seconds

Fields are.
Circuit  L1 ,L2 , L2/L1
Source ID   of the system that sent it
Hold Time  before death
PDU length
Priority  0 to 127 for the elections

Link state build the database
They are sent
When link goes down
When new neighbor is in otown
When the cost of a link has changed

Each TLV will have a TLV code specifying what information it contains.

DIS election 
Default is 64
The priority 0 means you don't participate.
Hughest priority wins. 0- 127
If there is a tie  highest MAC wins.

Unlike OSPF there is no back
unlike OSPF there is an adjacency to all neighbors

OPtional Metrics are
Error on the link

wide-metrics-only   increases the diameter above 256 hops.

By default all interfaces are L2 and L1
So you have to disable one or the other on the interface.
#set protocols ISIS interface ge-0/0/0 level 1 disable

Every interface that will send ISIS must have the ISO family enabled on it.
#set interface ge-0/0/0.0 family iso;

to label the router for other routers use the Loopback interface
#set interface lo0.0 family iso  address 49.0001.0192.0168.0201.00

>show isis interface 
will show which ones have which L1 or L2 on them
it will also detail if this is a point to point or LAN   or   (passive for loopback)

>show isis interface detail 
will give you more details on it.
like priority and adjecencies.

>show isis database
will give you the details on the neighbors
Level 1 neighbors
Level 2  neighbors.

>show isis adjacency 
will show you how the neighbors are up

>show isis adjacency detailw
will give you more details like the IP address of the neighbor.

>clear isis adjacency toronto    will restart the adjacency with Toronto router.

I guess you have an easy log
>show isis spf log
>show isis statistics

>show isis route
will show you the database of the ISIS aas far as routes
> show route protocol isis 
will show you the routes that are in the routing table courtesy of ISIS

If you want to run traceoptions.
flag error detail
flag hello detail
flag lsp detail

will show you the data.

If you want to troubleshoot.
Don't look for IPs
Look for physical problems
mistmatched L1 and L2           L1 won't bond with an L2     only with an L1/L2
MTU 1492 and above
Bad ISO address on the loopback.

Maximum hop is 15
RIPv1        supports classful routing only
RIPv2 supports   VLSM  ie subnetting   classless
Broadcast only updates are every 30 seconds.
The broadcast is the whole table.

25 routes per update.
If the cost in hops to the network is lower it will add it.
If the same router that broadcast the same network now has a higher cost to it then that goes in too
(It will hold on adding it, till it gets a second update)

RIPv2 has authentication  simple or MD5
RIPv2 can use Multicast

set protocol rip    group  group_001  neighbor  ge-0/0/0.2

to export the static routes use a policy
set policy-options   policy-statement   static_to_rip from protocol static   then accept

set protocols rip group group_001   export static_to_rip

similar to the OSPF or BGp you use a policy.

>show rip neighbor
>show route protocol rip       #will show you the routing table routes from RIP

>show router advertising-protocol rip
this will show me which routes am I advertising to

>show route receive-protocol rip
this will show me which routes I got from the other guy.

show rip statistics    #see if there is traffic.

trace by flag error
flag update.

I'll try to lab this at work .

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